When you are considering the services of a professional photographer it’s important that you understand that the price you receive reflects the work which is put into the shoot and the work afterwards too.
It’s easy to think that the photographer just comes along to the shoot, snaps a few photos, walks away and then just sends the best ones over to you. But there is so much more work involved in perfecting your photos. We have to make sure we are getting the best out of the lighting, background and surroundings. We need to be creative with our photography and adapt to sudden changes, especially if the shoot is taking place outdoors, or with children and pets.
Once we have captured some great images we go through them and choose the best. Then comes the editing process. The editing of the images is a tricky process (if you don’t know what you’re doing). We use various tools and software to get the best from the images to ensure that the quality remains high and the photo looks as natural as possible.
Photo editing includes:
Adjusting the horizon to get the best angle
Cropping – This allows us to remove anything unwanted from the image background
Resizing – adjusting the dimensions
Sharpening – this makes the images more enhanced and defined and reduce blur
White balance – the lighting within the image
Noise reduction – appearances which make your image grainy
Contrast – the difference between light and dark areas of an image
Exposure – Brightness
Lens Correction – helps removes imperfections
Colour adjustments – amend the colour within the image – for example we may send your images in both colour and black and white
Background removal – we may remove the background from certain images
These are just the basic techniques we use. There are more complex ones which go on behind the scenes. I hope this gives you a better insight into what goes on with your pictures once your shoot has taken place.
If you’re considering a photographer for your next photos or event then please get in touch.